Fico d'India

Terms and conditions


Welcome to our website (“”). Access to and use of are activities governed by these General Conditions of Use. The access and use of this website as well as the purchase of products on, presuppose the reading, knowledge and acceptance of these General Conditions of Use.

This website is managed and maintained by:

Roviti S.r.l. Corso Umberto I, n. 121 74123 Taranto (Italy) Tax Code / p. VAT 03272150735 (hereinafter the “Company”).

Roviti S.r.l. may modify or simply update, in whole or in part, these General Conditions of Use. Changes and updates to the General Conditions of Use will be binding as soon as they are published on the website in this section. Therefore, you are requested to regularly access this section to check the publication of the most recent and updated General Conditions of Use of If you do not agree, in whole or in part, with the General Conditions of Use of, please do not use our website.

Access to and use of, including viewing web pages, communicating with Roviti Srl, the ability to download information on products and purchase them on the website, are activities conducted by our users exclusively for personal uses unrelated to any commercial, entrepreneurial and professional activity.

Remember that you will be the one and only responsible for the use of and its contents. Roviti S.r.l. in fact, it cannot be held responsible for any use of the website and its contents by any of its users that does not comply with the laws in force, without prejudice to the responsibility of Roviti S.r.l. for willful misconduct and gross negligence. In particular, you will be the one and only responsible for the communication of incorrect or false information and data relating to third parties, without these having given their consent, as well as in consideration of an incorrect use of the same.

Finally, since any material will be downloaded or otherwise obtained through the use of the service at the user’s choice and risk, any responsibility for any damage to computer systems or loss of data resulting from the download operations falls on the user and cannot be attributed to Roviti Srl.

Roviti S.r.l. declines all responsibility for any damage resulting from inaccessibility to the services on the site or from any damage caused by viruses, damaged files, errors, omissions, service interruptions, deletion of contents, problems connected to the network, to providers or to telephone connections and / or telematic, to unauthorized access, to alteration of data, to the failure and / or faulty functioning of the user’s electronic equipment.

The user is responsible for the safekeeping and proper use of their personal information, including the credentials that allow access to reserved services,

1. Privacy Policy

Please read the Privacy Policy carefully, which also applies if the user accesses and uses the related services, but does not purchase any product. The Privacy Policy helps you understand how collects and uses your personal data and for what purposes.


  1. Intellectual Property Rights

The contents of, such as, by way of example, the works, images, photographs, dialogues, music, sounds and videos, documents, drawings, figures, logos and any other material, in any format, published on, including menus, web pages, graphics, colors, layouts, tools, fonts and website design, diagrams, layouts, methods, processes , the functions and software that are part of are protected by copyright and any other intellectual property right of Roviti Srl and other rights holders.

The reproduction, in whole or in part, in any form, of of its contents, without the express written consent of Roviti S.r.l. is prohibited.

Roviti S.r.l. has the exclusive right to authorize or prohibit the direct or indirect, temporary or permanent reproduction, in any way or form, in whole or in part, of and its contents. With regard to the use of, you are only authorized to view the website and its contents. You are also authorized to perform all those other temporary acts of reproduction, with no economic significance of their own, which are considered transitory or accessory, an integral and essential part of the same viewing of and its contents and all other navigation operations on the website that are performed only for a legitimate use of and its contents.

However, you are not authorized to perform any reproduction, on any platform or technical devices, in whole or in part of and its contents. Any act of reproduction must be, from time to time, authorized in writing by Roviti S.r.l. or, if necessary, by the authors of the individual works contained on the website. Such reproduction operations must in any case be carried out for lawful purposes and in compliance with copyright and other intellectual property rights of Roviti S.r.l. and of the authors of the individual works contained on the website. The authors of individual works published on have, at any time, the right to claim the authorship of their works and to oppose any deformation, mutilation or other modification of the works themselves including any act to damage caused to the works, whether of prejudice to their honor or reputation.

You undertake to respect the copyright of the artists who have chosen to publish their works on or who have collaborated with to create new expressive and artistic forms intended to be published, even if not exclusively on the website, or, again, which form an integral part of it. You are not, under any circumstances, authorized to use, in any way and form, the contents of the website and every single work protected by copyright and any other intellectual property right. By way of example, you will not be able to alter or, in any other way, modify the contents and protected works without the written consent of Roviti S.r.l. and, where necessary, of the individual authors of the works published on

  1. Trademark and domain name

Roviti S.r.l. is the exclusive owner of logos, registered trademarks, and any other distinctive sign, including the domain name “”.

  1. Content Disclaimer

Roviti S.r.l. has taken every useful precaution in order to ensure its users that the contents of are accurate and do not contain incorrect or outdated information, with respect to the date of their publication on the website and, as far as possible, also later.

However Roviti S.r.l. assumes no responsibility towards users for the accuracy and completeness of the content published on, without prejudice to its liability for willful misconduct and gross negligence and unless otherwise provided by law.

Roviti S.r.l. moreover, it cannot guarantee users that the website will operate continuously, without interruptions and in the absence of errors or malfunctions due to the Internet connection. For any problems encountered in the use of our website, please contact the Seller. A manager will be at your disposal to provide assistance and to help you restore the functionality of your access to the website, if this is possible. Likewise, we recommend that you contact your Internet service provider or check that every device for connecting to the Internet and accessing web content is properly activated, including your Internet browser. Although Roviti S.r.l. try to do everything possible to ensure continuous access to your website, the dynamic nature of the Internet and its contents may not allow to operate without suspensions, interruptions or discontinuities due to the need to update the website .

Roviti S.r.l. has adopted adequate technical and organizational measures to safeguard the security of its services on, the integrity of data relating to traffic and electronic communications with respect to forms of use or knowledge that are not permitted as well as to avoid risks of dispersion, destruction and loss of data and confidential and non-confidential information relating to its users, present on, or of unauthorized access, or non-compliant with the law, to the data and information themselves.


  1. Our trade policy

Roviti S.r.l. has adopted its own commercial policy; its mission is to sell products through its website only to the “final consumer”, meaning by this term a natural person who acts, on, for purposes unrelated to his own commercial, entrepreneurial or professional activity that may be carried out.

If you are not a final consumer, please do not use our services to purchase products on Roviti S.r.l. otherwise, will have the right not to accept purchase order proposals from subjects who are not final consumers and any other purchase order proposal that does not comply with the General Sales Conditions and these General Conditions of ‘Use.


  1. Applicable law and dispute resolution

These General Conditions of Use are governed by Italian law and in particular by Legislative Decree 6 September 2005 n. 206 (Consumer Code). For any dispute or legal question caused or inherent in the Terms of Use or their interpretation, the judge of the User’s place of residence will be competent in the case of a consumer, in the event that the User operates as a professional the Court will have jurisdiction of Taranto.

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